Hey! I have many posts I would like to get on here, like Casey’s birthday, and Danny’s class field trip (which was really cool btw!!).
But first, I want to share with you all, a way YOU can help with a ministry here in Ethiopia!
Each class at Bingham (the international school Danny goes to) is involved in serving the community somehow! In KG, the kids are supporting the work of Strong Hearts.
Here is the website for more information, www.strongheartsethiopia.org.
Strong Hearts Ethiopia is an organization dedicated to providing a safe environment for the spiritual and academic development of Addis Ababa’s underprivileged community.
This is also an organization that CMF is a huge part of. The school is just down the road from us, and we see these kids everyday!
The KG class is trying to bless Strong Hearts with some much needed school supplies for these kids!
Now as many of you know, my brother-in-law and a friend are coming the end of May to help with the building of our house. Their arrival is in time for the cut off for these supplies to be in. We would LOVE to be able to help and give a big box of supplies for these kids! This is also a very easy way for you all back at home to get involved!
Here is a list that was provided for us of things that would be a blessing to them:
- story / picture books
- writing pencils
- coloring pencilss
- crayons
- markers
- pads of paper
- loose paper of different colors
- glue sticks
- small scissors
- stickers
- other craft materials
- playdough
- dough cutters and or rolling pins
- jigsaw puzzles
- simple card games
- cars / trucks
- animals
- dolls or other small soft toys