Growing up…

Well today was THE day for our oldest Danny.

He started Kindergarten!


All morning and even some of the night before, I could tell he was nervous and not wanting to go, but seeing all the fun things like SNACKS go into his back pack, cheered him up a little. ย ๐Ÿ™‚

This sweet little key chain came in the mail just in time for a fun first day of school surprise!


(Thank you GG!! ย He LOVED it!!)

Of course little brother had to get in on the picture action too! ๐Ÿ™‚

The best thing though, (and what made going to school ok) was his cousins got to go with!! ๐Ÿ™‚


I loved that they got to experience their first days of school together! ย This family lives about two days drive down country on the Ethiopia/Kenya boarder and are here visiting for a few weeks while restocking and letting the kids enjoy school.

Ezra and Elsa Swart with Danny!

Ezra and Elsa Swart with Danny!

Danny’s teacher’s name is Miss Long, and she is SO sweet! ย I couldn’t have asked for a better kindergarten teacher for Danny (besides you Tanya!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ).


This is his little cubby to stash stuff in.


He was SUPER excited that he was at the shark table!! ย ๐Ÿ™‚


and of course a picture of him with Elsa in their classroom.

IMG_0606.JPGDoesn’t this just make you wish you were 5 again and you could actually fit up the ladder to go play in the club house!? ย ๐Ÿ™‚

But… all too soon it was time for me to leave my sweet boy!


This is where I lost it! ย I turned around one last time to see him standing in the doorway trying so hard to be brave and not cry! ย I just wanted to run back and take him in my arms and go home!!

Today was the first day of him growing up!

SO proud of you Daniel!!!